ACA Filing
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Troubleshooting IRS Errors Requiring Corrections
Your data was validated by both Employee Navigator and EN's e-filing partner, Nelco, to ensure that it mat...
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: E-File
E-File After going through the Audit of your employee’s data, you are ready to get into Nelco’s portal to...
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Audit
Audit Employee Navigator will allow you to verify your data before transmitting to Nelco for filing and sub...
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Pricing and Payment for Nelco 1094/1095 filing
1095 service fees are calculated based on the number of 1095 forms that will be generated for each employe...
Employee Navigator- ACA Filing- Assigning Safe Harbors for Affordability
A health plan is considered affordable for an employee if the employee's required contribution does not exce...
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Line 14, 15, and 16 Code Definitions
Line 14: Offer of coverage code 1A. Qualifying Offer: Minimum essential coverage providing minimum val...
Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Line 14 and Line 16 Code Overrides
Employee Navigator has put significant effort into generating codes for each employee's 1095 form based on...