Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Line 14 and Line 16 Code Overrides

Jackie Villaret
Jackie Villaret
  • Updated


Employee Navigator has put significant effort into generating codes for each employee's 1095 form based on your company data.  However, there may be special circumstances with individual employees where the system logic calculations may result in a code that doesn't accurately reflect these unique cases. To accommodate these instances, we have implemented an override feature for Lines 14 and 16 that allows you to manually correct a code for these lines.   

  • From Audit and E-File > Step 3 > View 1095s, select View for an individual employee's 1095 
  • Select override for either Line 14 or Line 16 
  • Select the new code values from the drop-down menu for all applicable months for Line 14 or Line 16 
  • Select Save 

There were some checks implemented to ensure that illogical code combinations on Lines 14 and 16 are not permitted. An Invalid Code Combinations error will be seen at the top of the page after selecting Save, if the codes on Line 14 and Line 16 are contradictory or impossible. 

Some examples that will produce the error message and will not be accepted: 

  • Line 16 code of 2A (not employed) or 2B (not a full time employee) would not be used when line 14 code is 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1J, or 1K (offer of coverage) 
  • Line 16 safe harbors 2F, 2G,  or 2H would not be used when an employee is offered a Line 14 1A Qualifying Offer (already meets 9.69% FPL requirement) or when no offer was made (1H). 
  • Line 14 1G (non-employee) does not need any safe harbor code on Line 16 because the non-employee is not required to be offered coverage, and would only be reported when enrolled in the self-funded medical plan for purposes of reporting the Covered Individuals data in Part III.  


  • Overriding the codes will only change Lines 14 and 16.  Other areas of the 1095 will not be changed.  This may cause inconsistent information, so proceed with caution.   
  • For example: 
  • You are insured by a self-funded plan and are missing enrollment data for a particular month.  You override that month with a 2C code on Line 16 as your employee was covered but that enrollment information was not in Employee Navigator. 
  • Part III of 1095-C (Covered Individuals) will not reflect a change for that month (nor will the employee Covered Individual data you view in Employee Navigator) 
  • You must correct the enrollment to update the form correctly in all areas. 
  • Be sure to regenerate your forms to view the updated information. 
  • If you override any Line 14 or 16 codes and regenerate the 1095 forms, the codes will continue to reflect the manually entered code information.  



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