Employee Navigator ACA Filing: Pricing and Payment for Nelco 1094/1095 filing

Jackie Villaret
Jackie Villaret


1095 service fees are calculated based on the number of 1095 forms that will be generated for each employee in a company. Tiered pricing is based on the number of forms sent in a transmission from a single Employee Navigator company.  Companies with multiple business units (distinct EINs) may submit all business units with one filing if the business units are set up within a single Employee Navigator company. If each unit is set up as a separate company within Employee Navigator, then the pricing tiers are applied to each company separately.   


For forms to be printed without a watermark, the Recipient Mail & Online Retrieval or a bundle with the Recipient Mail & Online Retrieval Service must be purchased. If only an E-File service is selected, then watermarks will appear on the 1095 form if printed.


2023 Service Fees (Pricing and Services are subject to change)

*Peak pricing is applicable the day before and the day of the deadline: January 30th and January 31st, 2024, and February 29th and March 1st, 2024. 

Note! Peak Pricing is in effect for January 30th and January 31st for the California state deadline. If you do not need to file California state forms, do not process ANY filings on these days because you will be charged peak pricing. 

Note! In order to stay compliant with certain state laws, sales tax will be applied based on the state found in the user's Nelco account.


2023 Pricing Examples:

The Federal E-File & Mail/Online Retrieval is the most commonly used pricing bundle. It has been used in the examples below. 

Company A has a total of 500 employees in one business unit within a single account in Employee Navigator.

 (500 employees) x ($3.58 per form) = $1790


Company B has a total of 500 employees, with 5 business units each with 100 employees within a single account in Employee Navigator.  

(500 employees) x ($3.58 per form) = $1790


Company C has a total of 500 employees, with 5 business units each with 100 employees, listed as 5 unique companies within Employee Navigator (one per business unit.)

(100 employees) x ($5.55 per form) = $555

($555 per company) x (5 companies) =  $2775


What is peak pricing?

Peak pricing will be applied for any submissions on the day before and the day of the print deadline. Do not wait until the last minute to file!


How is payment accepted?

The authorized submitter is required to provide a payment method at the time of filing.  Nelco will accept credit card payments or a prepaid filing code for each filing submission. 


 How do I obtain prepaid filing codes?

      1.  Call Nelco at 800.266.4669 to purchase a prepaid filing code.

  • Inform the representative of how many filings you need to complete to determine the amount you should pre-pay.
  • Pay for your filing code by credit card over the phone, or be invoiced and pay by check.

      2. Watch your inbox for a confirmation email containing your unique filing code.

      3. Complete your filing electronically from your software.

  • When you reach the Payment stage of checkout, enter your filing code instead of a credit card number. 
  • Your remaining balance will be shown at the Payment step of checkout. If you use your entire balance, you can either call to purchase another code or enter a credit card to complete your filings.
  • Unused balances will be refunded after the filing season.

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