Line 14: Offer of coverage code
1A. Qualifying Offer: Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to full-time employee with employee contribution for self-only coverage equal to or less than 9.78% mainland single federal poverty line and at least minimum essential coverage offered to spouse and dependent(s).
1B. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee only.
1C. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to dependent(s) (not spouse).
1D. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to spouse (not dependent(s)).
1E. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to dependent(s) and spouse.
1F. Minimum essential coverage NOT providing minimum value offered to employee, or employee and spouse or dependent(s), or employee, spouse and dependents.
1G. Offer of coverage to employee who was not a full-time employee for any month of the calendar year and who enrolled in self-insured coverage for one or more months of the calendar year.
1H. No offer of coverage (employee not offered any health coverage or employee offered coverage that is not minimum essential coverage).
1I. Reserved.
1J. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to you; minimum essential coverage conditionally offered to your spouse; and minimum essential coverage NOT offered to your dependent (s).
1K. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to you; minimum essential coverage conditionally offered to your spouse; and minimum essential coverage offered to your dependent(s).
Line 15: Employee Share of Lowest Cost Monthly Premium for Self-Only Minimum Value Coverage
This line will only be completed if code 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1J, or 1K is entered on line 14 either in the “All 12 Months” box or in any of the monthly boxes.
Line 16: Applicable Section 4980H Safe Harbor Codes and Other Relief for Employers
2A. Employee not employed during the month. Enter code 2A if the employee was not employed on any day of the calendar month. Do not use code 2A for a month if the individual was an employee of the employer on any day of the calendar month. Do not use code 2A for the month during which an employee terminates employment with the employer.
2B. Employee not a full-time employee. Enter code 2B if the employee is not a full-time employee for the month and did not enroll in minimum essential coverage, if offered for the month. Enter code 2B also if the employee is a full-time employee for the month and whose offer of coverage (or coverage if the employee was enrolled) ended before the last day of the month solely because the employee terminated employment during the month (so that the offer of coverage or coverage would have continued if the employee had not terminated employment during the month).
2C. Employee enrolled in coverage offered. Enter code 2C for any month in which the employee enrolled in health coverage offered by the employer for each day of the month, regardless of whether any other code in Code Series 2 might also apply (for example, the code for a section 4980H affordability safe harbor).
2D. Employee in a section 4980H(b) Limited Non-Assessment Period. Enter code 2D for any month during which an employee is in a Limited Non-Assessment Period for section 4980H(b).
2E. Multiemployer interim rule relief. Enter code 2E for any month for which the multiemployer interim guidance applies for that employee.
2F. Section 4980H affordability Form W-2 safe harbor. Enter code 2F if the employer used the section 4980H Form W-2 safe harbor to determine affordability for purposes of section 4980H(b) for this employee for the year. If an employer uses this safe harbor for an employee, it must be used for all months of the calendar year for which the employee is offered health coverage.
2G. Section 4980H affordability federal poverty line safe harbor. Enter code 2G if the employer used the section 4980H federal poverty line safe harbor to determine affordability for purposes of section 4980H(b) for this employee for any month(s).
2H. Section 4980H affordability rate of pay safe harbor. Enter code 2H if the employer used the section 4980H rate of pay safe harbor to determine affordability for purposes of section 4980H(b) for this employee for any month(s).
2I. Reserved.
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