How to Enroll in Your Benefits in Employee Navigator

Bob Gearhart Jr.
Bob Gearhart Jr.
  • Updated


Step 1: Log In: Go to and click Login.


Returning users: Log in with the username and password you selected. Click Reset a forgotten password.  

First time users: Click on your Registration Link in the email sent to you by your admin or Register as a new user. Create an account and create your own username and password.


Step 2: Welcome!: After you login click Let’s Begin to complete your required tasks, if required.

Step 3: Onboarding (For first time users, if applicable): Complete any assigned onboarding tasks before enrolling in your benefits. Once you’ve completed your tasks, click Start Enrollment to begin your enrollments.

Tip: If you hit “Dismiss, complete later” you’ll be taken to your Home Page. You’ll still be able to start enrollments again by clicking “Start Enrollments.”

Step 4: Start Enrollments: After clicking Start Enrollment, you’ll need to complete some personal & dependent information before moving to your benefit elections.

Tip: Have dependent details handy. To enroll a dependent in coverage, you will need their date of birth and Social Security number.



  • Personal Information- Verify/Edit your personal information and then click Save & Continue.




  • Address- Verify or edit your address information and click Save & Continue.


  • Dependent Information- To add dependents, click on Add Dependents+ and add your dependents. Then, click Save & Continue. If you do not have dependents, then click Save & Continue.



Step 5: Benefit Elections: Enrolling in your benefits.

  • Who am I enrolling?- In this section, you will select who will be covered on the plan. The system will automatically default you, the employee, however, if you would like to cover your dependents you MUST select the dependent(s) you wish to cover on the plan. It's important to be sure to click on each dependent that you would like to cover on the plan. 



          • You will notice that as you add dependents to the plan, the cost per pay period will change. For example, in the first screenshot below, for employee-only coverage, the cost of the HSA Medical plan is $58.11 per pay. However, if I add all my dependents, provided in the second screenshot, on the plan, the cost changes to $185.64 per pay.  




  • Which plan do I want?- In this section, you will select the plan that you would like to enroll in. Be sure that you have followed the steps above and have clicked on the dependents that you would like to cover on the plan. Click on Select next to the plan that you would like to enroll in. In my example below, I enrolled in the Anthem HSA Medical Plan with employee + family coverage. 



      • Waiving Coverage- If you do not want to enroll in the benefit, click on Don't want this benefit? and then select the reason why you do not want to enroll in the plan and then click Apply. 




      • Compare and Details- By clicking on these two buttons, you will be able to view plan comparison details, such as the pay period costs, as well as additional plan details.




  • Helpful Resources- In this section, you'll be able to view plan-specific documents, such as a benefit summary, an overview about the benefit, provider links, and/or watch a video about the benefit. 


Step 6: Forms: If you have elected benefits that require a beneficiary designation or completion of an Evidence of Insurability form, you will be prompted to add in those details throughout the enrollment process. 

      • Beneficiaries Forms- To add a beneficiary, click on Add a Beneficiary + and complete the required steps. Then, click Continue. You must allocate 100% to a beneficiary/benficaries. 


      • Evidence of Insurability form- If you have elected over the Guaranteed Issue for a plan and you must complete an EOI form, you will receive a notice in the enrollment process. 



Step 7: Enrollment Summary

Review the benefits you selected on the enrollment summary page to make sure they are correct then click Click to Sign to complete your enrollment. You can either print a summary of your elections for your records or log in at any point during the year to view your summary online.





Tip: If you miss a step, you will see Enrollment Not Complete in the progress bar with the incomplete steps highlighted. Click on any incomplete steps to complete them. You must make an election for each benefit offered even if you are waiving the benefit. You cannot skip any step in the enrollment process. 



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