How to View Employee Data in in the Reviews Section in Employee Navigator

Jackie Villaret
Jackie Villaret
  • Updated


This section provides links to review employee data.

Employee Home Page 

Provides access to the employee’s home page. The view mirrors what the employee sees upon the login.

Employee Data Sheet 

The Employee Data Sheet provides complete information regarding the employee and the dependents as well as enrollment.  

Note: To view all the data scroll vertically and horizontally.

Total Compensation Statement 

Generates a PDF Total Compensation Statement for the selected employee.

Employee Change Request History 

Provides a list of demographic changes requests for the selected employee. If Pend profile updates have been checked under General Settings, certain fields will not automatically update until HR approval. For a list of the fields, reference Settings> Employee Experience> General Settings. Click on the blue icon to the right of Pend Profile updates. This applies for both employee and dependents.  

To approve demographic changes:


2. Select Approve/Decline for each change and add note (optional).

3. Click SAVE.

Change History 

Provides a list of employees and/or dependent changes that are transmitted to carrier.

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