Manage Enrollments
This section provides eligible enrollment windows.
New Hire Enrollment
The enrollment window is available for new hires and will remain open based on the enrollment begin and end dates, which is determined by company specific eligibility rules.
Modify Current Enrollment
This tool is used to modify current enrollments due to data entry errors. This should only be used to correct enrollment records, as changes made through Modify overwrite employee’s current election back to original effective date (NH or last OE effective date). No history of the change record is recorded.
Examples of when to use this:
• Admin user accidentally enrolled an employee in medical coverage during new hire enrollment, but the employee declined. Modify will replace the current benefit election with a declination record, as if the employee never enrolled.
• Employee accidentally enrolled in family coverage instead of employee + child dental coverage during Open Enrollment and didn’t realize the mistake until OE was over and closed out in the system. Modify will replace family coverage with employee + child back to Open Enrollment effective date.
Open Enrollment
The enrollment window is available during open enrollment and will remain open based on the company’s open enrollment begin and end dates.
Newly Eligible Enrollment
The enrollment window is available if an employee experiences a change that affects benefit eligibility, such as a class change.
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