How to Set Up the Wall Feed in Employee Navigator

Jackie Villaret
Jackie Villaret
  • Updated


The WALL was designed to help HR keep track of employee changes in the system. The system will send a notification based on the events that have been selected.  

To create a Wall feed:

1. Select Wall and click on Feed Setup.  

2. Click the green +Add button on the right side of the page.

3. Create a Feed Name with a Description and click the green Save button. Common feed names will be Adds, Terms, and Changes.  

4. Click on Triggers. Select the changes that will trigger notifications. Just click and the system will drop them on the right side of the page under Selected Triggers. Then, click Save.  

Benefit Categories: Wall notifications will be triggered anytime an employee has an enrollment change in the selected benefit(s).

Carriers: Wall notifications will be triggered anytime an employee has an enrollment change in a plan that is under the selected carrier(s).

Event Groups: Wall notifications will be triggered anytime an employee has an event that falls under the selected event group(s).


5. Click on COMPANIES on the left menu and select the desired company. Click SAVE.  

6. Click on PEOPLE on the left side menu and select the employees that will receive the Wall Feeds. By selecting Subscribe, event notifications will be posted to the user’s wall. By selecting Email, event notifications will also be emailed to that user. Click SAVE. Note: The wall email frequency must be set to ensure emails are sent under the HR User Profile.

7. The feed is now ready to be made ACTIVE. Click on the blue NO button at the top right side. The blue NO should turn to YES and a pop-up box will appear indicating the wall feed was successfully activated. If red negative signs are visible, check the feed again based on the status box and make the necessary corrections.



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