A variety of reports are available. From the Reports tab, Ad Hoc, Enrollment Status, Payroll, Benefit, Change History, Carrier, and General reports can be generated.
Note: The system allows custom generated reports that can be saved. The saved report will now be accessible under “My Reports.”
To create an Ad-Hoc Report:
1. Click on Column-Based or Row-Based Report.
2. Select the desired fields to generate in the report. Click on the dropdown to further select between Employee data and Enrollment Data.
3. Once the desired fields have been selected under EMPLOYEE, proceed to select plan details under ENROLLMENT. Under OPTIONS, additional criteria can be selected for the report, such as the inclusion of dependents, enrollment period, and exclusions.
4. Click VIEW to generate the report and select DOWNLOAD to save the report to the desktop.
5. Click SAVE to Name the report and add an optional Description. This is useful when a report is required on a regular basis. Once saved, the fields do not need to be re-selected.
Most Common Reports:
• Ad Hoc Reports (Column-Based, Row-Based, & Payroll Deductions Report)
• New Hire and Termination Report (Under General Reports)
• Beneficiaries (Under General Reports)
• New Hire and Newly Eligible Reports (under Enrollment Status Reports)
• Open Enrollment Reports & Open Enrollment Changes Report (under Open Enrollment Reports)
• Carrier Billing Summary Reports (under Benefits Reports)
• Enrollment Changes and Demographic Changes Reports (under Changes History Reports)
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