Benefit Summary
The BENEFIT SUMMARY tab provides a quick overview of the enrolled plans and the cost per pay period of the specific employee and a list of plans in which dependents are enrolled. The view can be changed from Current to Open, Pending or History.
After employee's go through their enrollments, there are times HR will need to go to their profile to check what they enrolled in, their effective dates, their coverage level, benefit amounts and benefit costs. All of this information can be found on the Employee Benefits Summary by searching for the EE > Benefit's Summary.
There are 4 periods in which enrollments will appear on this summary. They are:
• Current Period: These are enrollments the Employee is currently enrolled in. Enrollments will appear here after they are imported, elected during New Hire or Newly Eligible, or elected using the Modify Current Enrollments Link.
• Open Enrollment: These are enrollments the Employee enrolled in during their Open Enrollment, and the OE has not been closed out yet. These enrollments will move to the Current Period when the OE is closed.
• Pending Period: There are two reasons enrollments would appear in the Pending Period. These have to do with the "Pending new hire enrollments" setting
o Enrollments are set to "Pend Until All Completed" will appear here until the employee completes their enrollment and clicks to sign their benefit summary
o Enrollments are set to "Pend Until HR Approves" will appear here until the employee selects “Click to Sign” on the enrollment summary AND HR approves the enrollments.
o Note! You can move enrollments from pending to current by letting the EE know they need to complete their enrollment OR by using the Set New Hire Complete button on the Employee's Profile.
• Prior: These are old enrollments that have been ended and replaced with current enrollments.
o Note! Inactive plans will only appear under Prior on the Employee Benefit Summary. Inactive plans will not appear on the current, pending, or open benefit summary.
You can easily access the Employee View of the Benefit summary by clicking on "View Details" in the upper left hand corner of the summary, or print the summary by clicking on the "Print" button in the upper right hand corner next to the dropdown.
Data included on the Benefits Summary
The data included on the Benefit Summary is:
• Plan Type
• Carrier
• Plan Name
• Coverage
• Effective Date
• Cost Per Pay
• Contributions (Defined Contributions)
• Benefit (amount)
All dependents, along with any of the plans they are enrolled in, will appear under the Benefits Summary. Other data, such as HSA/HRA contributions, Cafeteria contributions, Retirement contributions and Ended Enrollments will also appear at the bottom of the summary.
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