Manage COBRA
If Cobra is tracked within the system, the MANGE COBRA feature is used to enroll an employee and/or dependent in available Cobra eligible benefits.
To enroll an employee or dependent in Cobra:
1. The Cobra module can be accessed through HOME> COMPANY STATS>COBRA or by employee record.
2. To locate by employee record, go to HOME tab or EMPLOYEES tab and find the employee.
3. From the employee's record, click MANAGE COBRA under ACTIONS section.
4. Click CANDIDATES and then click on the employee to enroll.
5. Based on the termination reason, the system will automatically populate a start date and the end date. Click on the 3 blue dots and select ELECT.
6. Enter the paid through date and click SAVE. Best practice is to enter the end date previously populated by the system.
7. This process needs to be repeated for each benefit that the employee and/or dependent has elected under Cobra.
To modify an employee or dependent Cobra record by date or coverage level:
1. Access the employee in MANAGE COBRA module using instructions outlined above in steps 1-4.
2. Within the employee’s Cobra record, click MODIFY to the right of the enrolled plan.
3. Make all required changes and click SAVE.
To extend or end an employee or dependent Cobra record:
1. Access employee in the MANAGE COBRA module using instructions earlier in steps 1-4.
2. Within the employee’s Cobra record, click the 3 blue dots and select Extend or End.
3. Paid through date should be changed to match the coverage end date. Paid through date cannot change if coverage has ended. While ending Cobra coverage, paid through date can be changed to match coverage ended date. Once coverage has ended, paid through date cannot be change.
4. Click SAVE.
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