How to Add a Note on an Employee's Profile in Employee Navigator

Jackie Villaret
Jackie Villaret
  • Updated

Add a Note 

Notes can be added to an employee’s record and shared. Files can be attached to a note as well.


To add a note to an employee: 

1. Pull up the employee.

2. Click on ADD A NOTE to the right of the employee’s name.  

3. Add Subject and Note details. 

4. Select Actions: 

a. Share it with brokers? If checked, the broker will be able to view the note  on the company wall and on the employee’s Employee Management Page. 

b. Share it with HR? If checked the HR users for the company will be able to  view the note on the company wall and on the employee’s Employee  Management page. 

c. Share it with the employee? If checked, the employee will be able to view  the note by accessing the “Notes” category in their Profile. 

d. Follow this note? If checked, provides a quick access to the note when  viewing “followed” noted on the wall.

5. Files may also be added to a note by clicking on CLICK TO ADD A FILE button. 6. Notes will appear on the Employee Management page.

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