Two Options:
- Option 1: Update your beneficiaries during your enrollment
- Option 2: Update your beneficiaries through your Profile (Home Page)
Updating Beneficiaries During your New Hire or Open Enrollment
1. Log into Employee Navigator,
2. From your Home page, click Start Enrollment.
3. Go through your entire enrollment to enroll in or waive benefits. Once you have reached the Beneficiaries Form page, you must update your beneficiaries. To add a beneficiary, click on Add a beneficiary +.
4. You can either copy an existing dependent or add a new beneficiary not listed as a dependent, for example, an entity. Then, click Save.
5. Complete the required information to add your beneficiaries. Pay close attention to the allocation %. This MUST equal 100% for each beneficiary.
Note: You are required to add Primary beneficiaries. Contingent beneficiaries are optional. Be sure that the allocation percentage equals 100% or you will receive a red error message.
Updating Beneficiaries Outside of your New Hire or Open Enrollment
1. Log into Employee Navigator,
2. From your Home page, click on Enrollment Summary.
2. Click on Beneficiaries.
3. You’ll be able to add, edit, or delete beneficiaries and designate allocation amounts for each beneficiary.
Note: You are required to add Primary beneficiaries. Contingent beneficiaries are optional. Be sure that the allocation percentage equals 100% or you will receive a red error message.
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