How to have a conversation with the Customer Support team within

Bob Gearhart Jr.
Bob Gearhart Jr.
  • Updated

You can chat with our Customer Support team while you're in FormFire, without navigating away from the page you're working on. Nice, right? You can reach us during our Customer Support hours which are 9 AM - 5:30 PM EST Monday through Friday.


First, find this icon bottom in the lower right corner:



When clicked, you can choose to receive a callback have a live chat or leave an email message to our Customer Support team. To start a live chat, simply select Live Chat



Then, type your message in the text box and hit enter. 



When you send your message, you'll see when a member of our Customer Support team joins the chat and when the member of our Customer Support team is answering your question! Your messages will be in Orange



Be sure to give it a try next time you have a question, comment or just want to say “Hi!”

Ask us anything!

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