FormFire's Condition Selector makes it easy to add your entire family's medical history faster!
To start, you'll need to enter your account.
Select Health Questions at the top of your screen to access the Condition Selector.
When on the Condition Selector page, you will be asked to add information regarding yourself and any family members who may be covered under your benefits.
There are 17 condition categories listed on this page.
- Select Yes if you or any family members who may be covered under your benefits have a related condition in that specific condition category.
- Select No if you or any family members who may be covered under your benefits
- do not have a related condition in that specific condition category.
Below is an example of how the questions will be asked.
After selecting Yes, you can add the specific condition by selecting the green Plus button by either your name or your dependent's name. A drop-down menu will appear for you to select a condition from the list.
Once all conditions have been added for a specific condition category, check the box below. Checking this box confirms that you've entered all related conditions for you and your dependents in this section.
Follow these steps for all condition categories on the page. When complete, select Next to continue.
On the right side of your screen, you'll see that the Health Questions navigation menu has updated. The 3 icons on this menu mean the following:
- A green checkmark
indicates a section is complete
- A yellow exclamation point
indicates a section is incomplete
- A black arrow
indicates the section you're currently viewing
Select the section with the yellow exclamation point to add information to the condition you've added from the Condition Selector.
Once in the section, you'll see the name of the condition with a yellow exclamation point next to it, indicating this is the condition that needs more information. Select the Add Treatment Details button to add information to this specific condition.
On Edit Condition, enter in basic information including when the treatment for the condition started and ended.
You'll then add be asked to answer Yes or No on the following questions:
- Medication
- Hospitalizations
- Surgeries
- Medical Claims
- Worker's Compensation Claims
- Transplants
The completed condition will be listed in your account once all questions are answered. You can Edit or Delete the condition.
You can still add conditions even after you've completed the Condition Selector. Simply select the Add button to add another condition. Then, Select the Yes button when No was previously selected.
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